Success for ELLs

Best First Teaching
  • Research Based Lesson Design
Integrated ELD
  • An ELD objective in addition to a content objective for all subjects (i.e. ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies, Visual & Performing Arts)
Direct Instruction of Vocabulary
  • Daily instruction of general academic (tier 2) words
Access to the Core
  • Frontloading language or background needed for a lesson
  • Link prior knowledge (e.g. cognates)
  • Visual support every 60-90 seconds (Thinking Maps, nonlinguistic representations, pictures, manipulatives, realia, multimedia, TPR, etc.)
  • Restating in comprehensible language (simpler English or primary language support)
  • Teaching strategies (i.e. Bridges to Understanding, GLAD, SDAIE, Focused Approach, SIOP, etc.)
  • Differentiated responses based on language proficiency levels
Constant Student Talk
  • Oral rehearsal precedes writing
  • Structured language practice using academic vocabulary (e.g. response frames or stems)
Designated ELD Instruction
  • 30-60 minutes daily
  • Teaming
  • Delivery of instruction based on strategies from the Effective ELD Delivery of Instruction Circle Map
  • Progress monitoring
  • Target students
  • Data analysis using the Item Analysis Report
    • Preplan who to check for understanding with
    • Reteach

Linguistic knowledge of how spoken and written language works

A belief that every student will learn with well planned and executed lessons so that students can perform at the level of a native speaker

Teachable Moments
Students to speak in complete sentences with scaffolding.

  • Student error in oral language
  • Provide corrective feedback
  • Student to restate utterance

Create a risk free environment in which students take risks in oral language knowing that the teacher will support them in correct usage.

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