Anaheim Elementary School District

Emergent Bilingual Master Plan

The Anaheim Elementary School District Emergent Bilingual Master Plan serves as a blueprint for all district personnel involved in the education of emergent bilingual students. This plan describes how the Anaheim Elementary School District identifies, serves, and supports emergent bilinguals to ensure access to the core curriculum and rapid acquisition of the English language.  The Emergent Bilingual Master Plan represents a commitment among various stakeholder groups to provide high quality instruction for emergent bilinguals.

The Emergent Bilingual Master Plan was written based upon federal and state laws, the California English Learner Roadmap, district board policies, research-based practices, and the input received from various stakeholder groups. It is the district’s expectation that the plan be implemented with fidelity to secure appropriate services for emergent bilinguals. The Emergent Bilingual Master Plan represents a “living viable document” that through the revision of the plan, services to emergent bilinguals are only maximized to increase their acquisition of English.

California English Learner Roadmap Vision

English learners fully and meaningfully access and participate in a twenty-first century education from early childhood through grade twelve that results in their attaining high levels of English proficiency, mastery of grade level standards, and opportunities to develop proficiency in multiple languages.

California English Learner Roadmap Mission

California schools affirm, welcome, and respond to a diverse range of English learner (EL) English learner (EL) A classification used in California to identify a student who is not currently proficient in English and whose primary language is not English. An EL student is referred to as a Limited English Proficient (LEP) in federal law. strengths, needs, and identities. California schools prepare graduates with the linguistic, academic, and social skills and competencies they require for college, career, and civic participation in a global, diverse, and multilingual world, thus ensuring a thriving future for California.

California English Learner Roadmap Principles

Assets-Oriented and Needs Responsive Schools

Intellectual Quality of Instruction and Meaningful Access

System Conditions that Support Effectiveness

Alignment and Articulation Within and Across Systems

Our Student Population

Anaheim Elementary School District is a diverse district composed of 24 schools, serving approximately 16,000 preschool-6th grade students in a dynamic, standards-based learning community. As one of the largest elementary school districts in California, we offer a broad range of programs and learning opportunities, enhanced by strong support from families and the community. Our student population is composed of approximately 52% emergent bilinguals, 18% R-FEP Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (R-FEP) A classification given to students who were once identified as English Learners who have met all of the district’s criteria to be considered Fluent English Proficient (FEP). , 2% I-FEP Initially Fluent English Proficient (I-FEP) A language classification given to students with a primary language other than English who demonstrated fluency on the ELPAC upon initial testing. , and 26% English Only English Only (EO) A student with a primary language of English and no other language is evident. students.  Of our emergent bilinguals, 94% have a home language of Spanish.  Eighty-six percent of our students are socioeconomically disadvantaged, 11% GATE Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) A program/designation for students who have demonstrated excellence or capacity for excellence far beyond that of their peers according to district established criteria. , 11% of our students receive special education services, and 9% are homeless. Our average reclassification rate for the past 5 years is 11.4%. 

State Language Census Data

The state language census is an annual collection of data on students with non-English language backgrounds. It includes data on English learner (EL) and fluent-English-proficient enrollment, and language proficiency distribution. This report is shared with DAC-DELAC and the EL Services Council annually.

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