Charter Schools

A complete Charter School Material Revision Package consists of seven (7) binders and seven (7) flash drives containing the following items with folders/tabs separating each section:

A. Signed Charter School Petitioner Certification form

B. Letter requesting Material Revision

A letter addressed to the Anaheim Elementary Board of Education requesting material revision(s) to the charter. The letter shall describe the request (include specific details such as changes in grade levels, total enrollment, specific address of new facility, effective date, financial impact, etc.)

C. Verification of Charter School Board action evidencing i.e. that the charter school governing board has approved the submission of the material revision and supporting documentation, such as meeting minutes or resolution.

D. Supplemental Information

Documents supporting the material revision, such as revised Bylaws or Articles of Incorporation, school performance data, wait-list information or other data that support the proposed revision.

E. Revised Charter Petition

An updated “redlined” charter petition with changes to reflect the material revision including reasonably comprehensive descriptions of any new requirements of charter schools enacted into law after the charter was originally granted or last renewed. Identify deleted language by strikeout and new language by underline (Flash drives must include Microsoft Word format).

F. Budget and Finance

  1. Financial statements and a proposed operational budget including cash flow and financial projections for each remaining year in the charter term (Flash drives must include Microsoft Office Excel format with formulas and no password protection).
  2. If the budget contains grants, loans and/or donations, include corresponding award letters, loan agreements, and/or pledge letters.
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