PDFs, Images & Other Documents


  • File upload size has been reduced to 0.8 Mb per image.
  • To Upload files the file needs to be on your physical hard drive not in any cloud service like Google Drive.


  1. Prepare your image: Resize, Crop or Edit. Consider using Pixlr Image Editor for Google Drive or other photo editing software
  2. From the post admin panel click Add Media button.
  3. From the window that pops up you can:
    1. Drag your image onto the panel or
    2. Click “Upload Files” followed by “Select File” then locate your file.
  4. Click insert media. Note: images will be inserted wherever you curser was when you click “Add Media”

PDF Documents

Due to size and security PDFs can only be linked to from another source like a Google Drive.

  1. Using Google Drive
    1. Add your PDF to a Google Drive.
    2. Change the Share settings on that document to “Visible by Anyone with the Link”
    3. Copy the link
  2. Back in the website Admin Panel
    1. From your website add the text you want clicked to link to your pdf
    2. Select that text
    3. Click the link creator button Link Btn
    4. Paste the link to the PDF
    5. Check the “Opens in New Window” box. NOTE: You may have to click the Gear Icon to get this setting available
  3. Save your page
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